Frog Stretch (Hip Adductors)


  • Get into the frog position (shown in the video).
  • Find a hip and foot width that is comfortable for your hips.
  • Sit your hips back towards your feet to increase the stretch.
  • Don’t push into any pinching in the hip joint.
  • You should only feel muscular tightness/stretching in the inner thigh/adductor area.
  • If you feel pinching in the hips, re-adjust your hip/foot width and/or depth.
  • Once you find a comfortable position, make sure your lower back maintains its natural curvature throughout the exercise.
  • From here stretch for 1-2 minutes passively.
  • If you want to add an active component now start to squeeze your thighs together into the ground gently, slowly building a contraction for 20 seconds.
  • Relax into more of a stretch then contract your hip ABductors muscles (muscles on the outside of your hips) to pull yourself deeper into the stretch and closer to the ground. Think about actively trying to pull your hips apart.
  • Repeat this cycle 2-3x.

Mountain Health & Performance is back open for non-urgent care as of May 19th 2020! We will be following COVID-19 guidelines in our clinic to ensure the safety of our therapists and patients. Please call 604-984-0014 to book or click on the "book an appointment" button to book online.